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Phytosociological study...

Basic publications

1. Krestov, P.V., Klinka, K., Chourmouzis, C. and Hanel, C. (2001): Classification of trembling aspen ecosystems in British Columbia. Vancouver, The University of British Columbia, Forest Science Department. 112 pp.

2. Krestov, P.V., Klinka, K., Chourmouzis, C. and Kayahara, G. (2001): Classification of mid-seral black-spruce ecosystems of northern British Columbia. Vancouver, The University of British Columbia, Forest Science Department. 88 pp.

3. Krestov P.V., Nakamura Y. (2002): Phytosociological study of the Picea jezoensis forests of the Far East. Folia Geobotanica. 37(4): 441-474.

4. Krestov P.V., Nakamura Y., Verkholat V.P. (2003): Syntaxonomical diversity of Picea glehnii forests, rare ecosystems of insular Eastern Asia. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 88(7): 11-26. (In Russian).

5. Krestov, P.V. (2003): Forest Vegetation of Easternmost Russia (Russian Far East). In: Kolbek, J., Srutek, M. and Box E. (eds.) Forest vegetation of Northeast Asia. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 93-180.

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© Pavel Krestov 2002-2004
© IBSS FEB RAS 2002-2004