Oral presentation

Influence of internal waves on the color of the marine surface

Nadezhda A. Efanova

Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, 690090, Russia
V.I. ll'ichevev Pacific Oceanological Institute FEB RAS, Vladivostok, 690041, Russia

Internal waves play an important role in the exchange of energy, heat and impurities processes, between the inner layers of water. They affect the heat exchange, the dynamics of the upper layers of the ocean, the propagation of acoustic signals, bio-productivity, etc. Internal waves manifest in fluctuations of temperature and salinity of water,and have significant impact on vertical water stratification, turbulent mixing, distribution of planktonic suspensions, oxygen enrichment, vertical migrations of plankton and fish, and conditions for spread of sound in the ocean. Study of internal waves is important for the purposes of hydrobiology, hydrochemistry and the general ecology of water bodies. The appearance of sea-color scanners, installed on satellites in geostationary orbits, makes it possible to study the high-frequency and low-frequency of internal waves by analyzing temporal diurnal variations in the brightness of the sea at different wavelengths. The detection of internal waves is of interest for studying a whole series of phenomena in the near-surface layer of the ocean and in the possibility of determining their parameters from satellites, as well as in turn:
• in the evaluation of bio-productivity and the perspectives for fishing;
• modeling the propagation of acoustic signals in sea water;
• in the development of complex oceanological models.
The paper presents the results of studies of the internal gravitational waves influence on the stratification of optically active components of sea water (phytoplankton, colored dissolved organic matter, suspended particles) in the southern part of the Gulf of Peter the Great. The paper used ship data obtained during the period of 2008-2016 at daily and semi-daily stations with hourly profiling of the vertical distribution of hydrological and hydro-optical parameters.

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